Get ready for our first-ever two-day #workshop to armor you for #corporate life.

This #pandemic has more than ever reinforced on the concept of survival of the Fittest, Sharpest & Smartest! It is a time when #skills & abilities are ranked higher than experience.

Here are the two most crucial things for survival in the #professional world.

💡 An analytical mindset which helps you bring a fresher perspective to things
💡 Remarkable presentation skills

This weekend we intend to up-skill you with the above two skills to help you grab the best pieces of the corporate pie.

If you ready to accept the #challenge, lose no time, and Register for this amazing two-day workshop.

Day 1: ‘Advanced analytics in #Excel’ on 13th of June (Saturday), at 3 pm

Day 2: ‘A step further in #PowerPoint’ on 14th of June (Sunday), at 3 pm

Register here: